Ocean Art Gallery | News
Special Event "Art of the Ocean" Chris Gug Ft. Lauderdale, FL award winning underwater photographer will be in gallery for a two day event on Wednesday March 12th and Thursday March 13th from 5:30-8:00pm. At 6 pm both days Chris will give a special presentation of how he captures his amazing photographs. Art will be on display until July 31st. Read More |
Introducing - Debby Bird
Local Artist - Oil Debby Bird (Palm Coast, FL) is an architect, mother of three and an exceptional artist. She is a member of the Portrait Society of America and she works primarily in oil. Read More |
The Art of Elliot TiberElliot Tiber Art is all about Elliot Tiber's life, an exciting combination of events and achievements that introduced Elliot to a widely diverse audience. He was a filmmaker, playwright, humorist, college professor, best-selling author, and as a proudly gay man, an activist for LGBTQ rights. He was also responsible for saving the Woodstock Art & Music Festival in 1969.
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