Ocean Art Gallery
Fine Art
We love our community and participate in many things.
We will share these and other stories in our blog.
PANG’S 35 PHOTOGRAPHS, TAKEN DURING AN 18-MONTH LIAISON WITH LENNON IN 1973-1975, WHICH JOHN CALLED “THE LOST WEEKEND,” FEATURE A PERSONAL TIME WHEN HE WAS TROUBLED WITH DRUGS, DRINKING AND YOKO. THIS CLASSIC PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION ENTITLED “THE LOST WEEKEND: THE PHOTOGRAPHY OF MAY PANG,” COINCIDES WITH THE RECENT DIGITAL RELEASE OF THE FEATURE FILM DOCUMENTARY ON LENNON AND PANG’S TIME TOGETHER, “THE LOST WEKEND: A LOVE STORY” ON AMAZON PRIME AND OTHER STREAMING SERVICES. Ocean Art Gallery was selected by May Pang and her producer Scott Segalbaum because of its public awareness for art excellence with Florida and national artists, including Roy Tabora, Steve Barton, Chris DeRubeis, and others, during its almost 13 years in Flagler Beach and Ormond Beach, FL. The May Pang exhibition, including photographs of John, Julian, the Beatles, and other rock stars will be at Ocean Art’s large gallery in the just renovated Granada Plaza Shopping Center at the intersection of Granada Blvd. and SR A1A, the coastal highway. May Pang will be present at the Gallery, 197 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL, both days from noon to 8pm, where she will meet with customers, sign all purchased photographs, and share stories behind the amazing photographs displayed throughout the gallery. These private photographs, including several taken at Disney World, will be on display and available for purchase. Lennon was photographed by Pang signing the contract to dissolve The Beatles in 1974 at the Polynesian Village Resort at Disney World, where she also captured one of the last known photographs of John Lennon and Paul McCartney together. Both photographs have never been available to the public until this exhibition. During “The Lost Weekend” May helped John have his most successful artistic and commercially productive time post-Beatles, with two fabulous albums, his only #1 Hit Single “Whatever Gets You Through the Night,’ and great collaborations with Rock legends Mick Jagger, Elton John, Harry Nilsson, David Bowie, and Ringo, to name a few. Pang also encouraged John to reconnect with family and friends and arranged for Julian to spend time with his father for the first time in years. Gallery owners Frank and Bibi Gromling look forward to welcoming everyone to this exciting historical event featuring John Lennon and others from rock history. If you have questions, reach out to (386) 317-9400 or [email protected].
© Frank Gromling 7/4/2022
This reflection in honor of Independence Day transports us back 247 years to 1775. War rages between the Colonists and the British; the 2nd Continental Congress is meeting in Philadelphia to determine a course of action against the King’s outrageous tyranny. Not all colonists seek separation from the Crown; but there is great turmoil, doubt, and fear throughout the colonies. In January 1776, the recent British immigrant Thomas Paine, publishes his pamphlet “Common Sense,” in which he argues that independence is a “natural right” and the only possible course for the colonies. In March, North Carolina’s revolutionary convention becomes the first to vote in favor of independence; seven other colonies follow suit by mid-May. On June 7, Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee introduces a motion calling for the colonies’ independence. His resolution reads: "Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." Amid heated debate, delegates postpone the vote on Lee’s resolution and call a recess for several weeks. Before departing, however, the delegates appoint a five-man committee – including Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, and Robert R. Livingston of New York – to draft a formal statement justifying the break with Great Britain. This document becomes known as the Declaration of Independence. As Jefferson drafted it, the Declaration is divided into five sections, including an introduction, a preamble, a body (divided into two sections) and a conclusion. In general terms, the introduction effectively states that seeking independence from Britain has become “necessary” for the colonies. The preamble contains this passage: “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The Continental Congress reconvenes on July 1st, 1776 and extends into July 2nd; 12 of the 13 colonies adopt Lee’s resolution for independence. The process of consideration and revision of Jefferson’s declaration continues on July 3rd and into the late morning of July 4th. Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Independence later on July 4. As the first formal statement by a nation’s people asserting their right to choose their own government, the Declaration of Independence becomes a significant landmark in the history of democracy. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence become the three essential founding documents of the fledgling United States government. As this reflection reminds us, achieving great things is not always easy or simple, or without pain. But it is possible when the purpose is just and right, and when people stand firm against tyranny. I encourage all of us to read these documents and hold them dear in order for our country to enjoy another 246 years and more. May your Independence Day remind you of what so many others have given in order for us to have greater freedoms than any other people on earth. I encourage us to know the importance of our freedoms, especially in light of current efforts by some to distract and divide us. Today, Dr. Holmes’ words about Freedom have even more meaning than when they were first spoken. "The Divine Plan is one of freedom; bondage is not God-ordained. Freedom is the birthright of every living soul. All instinctively feel this. The Truth points to freedom under Universal Spiritual Law. Thus the inherent nature of each person is forever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom. We shall do well to listen to this Inner Voice, for it tells us of a life wonderful in its scope, of a love beyond our fondest dreams, of a freedom the soul craves.” God bless America and each of us. Because fine art acquisition is a visual and emotional experience, art galleries offer a unique opportunity for buyers and collectors to get up close and personal, unlike anything the Internet can do.
Therefore, for the foreseeable future, art galleries remain important for artists seeking to sell their art and for those seeking to acquire art. My wife, Bibi, and I own Ocean Art Gallery, a fine art and framing business in Ormond Beach, Florida, at the busy intersection of the easternmost coastal highway and a major four-lane east-west connector from I-95. In our 3,000 square foot space, we offer high quality fine art by Florida, national and international artists for homes and offices, plus professional framing and art workshops. We receive 5-10 artist inquiries a week. These come in all forms, usually not following the simple method we have provided on our website. As a result of not following directions, most of these artists do not get a serious look by us because we want artists who can work and communicate effectively. Other artists who may not get our fullest attention are those who come into the gallery and expect to talk with us about how to get into the gallery. Why is this a problem? We are simply too busy to stop what we are doing when an artist walks in with the intent to get us to look at his or her art and listen to why they want to be in our gallery. Our business is selling art, not explaining to artists during our prime selling time what they can learn elsewhere. So, what is my advice for getting into a gallery? It’s simple: do your homework and follow whatever process galleries have established. First, the homework art: Visit your targeted galleries online to determine if they are where you want to be and whether they might want your art. Ask yourself: How will my art benefit the gallery? Does my pricing align with the gallery’s? How can I help the gallery? What do I bring to the table? Have I been in shows, won any awards, sold my art, created a marketing buzz? Do I have an Internet presence with an attractive website and, at the least, a Facebook Business Page or Instagram page? Is my art at the level it needs to be for my targeted gallery? Does the gallery have a strong Internet presence with its website, Facebook and Instagram? Does the gallery have strong media presence in newspapers and magazines? Physically visit the galleries you have chosen to investigate further without intruding on the gallery management’s time. Ask yourself: How does the gallery look? Is it attractive? Is the art crowded? Were you and other guests welcomed? If possible, call represented artists and ask about their experiences in target galleries. Have you established yourself and your art at a point whereby the gallery can verify your presence in the art world. Many galleries, such as ours, rarely take risks with unproven artists, but there are galleries that do. Seek out the gallery that is right for you. Second, follow the gallery’s submission process to a T. Do what you are told to do in the way it is requested. This is not where creativity will work for you. Our submission process is simple, yet it allows us to review artists on our time, usually nights and weekends, plus it shows whether they can follow directions, write clearly, make astute decisions about what is important about their art and themselves. In other words, we get an overall picture that allows us to decide if we want to know more through a personal meeting. Here is our submission process direct from our website. Artist Inquiries Ocean Art Gallery Representation Please submit the following to the gallery owner, Frank Gromling, at [email protected] for consideration to be represented in the gallery:
There are several major factors at play when considering new artists:
The All-Important Gallery Meeting Be on time; look sharp; bring only the number and type of work you were told to bring; bring backup literature; plan on a 30-minute meeting unless management tells you otherwise. Have a list of questions for management, such as how do they think you will contribute to the gallery, when could you display; may I have a sample agreement, etc.? DO NOT ASK: where will my art be displayed, how many pieces will I sell, how much will I make, when will I be featured, etc. You have to build a relationship through performance. Honor the 30-minute rule unless management extends it. A few final comments: Learn how to handle rejection. Not every gallery will be right for you at the time of your submission. Different theme, special show, lower or higher pricing levels, no room, etc. Learn why you are rejected, accept it, and move on. Create a powerful elevator pitch for when you are in front of anyone, from gallery owner to art show public. While not everyone thinks elevator pitches are valuable, I have found them useful when time is short and I want to make my point quickly. Who remembers what I said at the beginning of the blog about Ocean Art Gallery? It was, “We offer high quality fine art by Florida, national and international artists for homes and offices.” That is an elevator pitch. Make one for yourself. Maybe it will not be as memorable as one from 1975, but who knows? “A police chief, with a phobia for open water, battles a gigantic shark with an appetite for swimmers and boat captains, in spite of a greedy town council who demands that the beach stay open.” |
AuthorFrank Gromling, Owner Blog Posts
January 2025
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Emma Bell Craig Krefetz Debby Bird Max Lazega Victor Colesnicenco Margie & Bill Lombard Patricia Conway Cherree Mallette John Darovitz Jim Rivers Christina Doelling Antoinette Slick Kenny Fasnacht Elliot Tiber Flavio Galvan Bibi Gromling Stewart Jones |